MTK 6221--- 2D barcode decoding algorithm library

HJ_Decoder For MTK is suitable for MTK functional machine chipset products, and supports the decoding and encoding functions of one-dimensional code and two-dimensional code QR. Widely used in ATM, self-service equipment, cash register, payment terminal, POS, MPOS and other equipment.

HJ_Decoder For MTK is suitable for MTK functional machine chipset products, and supports the decoding and encoding functions of 1D code and 2D code. Widely used in ATM, self-service equipment, cash register, payment terminal, POS, MPOS and other equipment.

一、Documents List

1. HJ_Decoder.h -----------------Header files of the decoding library

2. hj_decoder.lib -----------------Library file for decoding library

3. CameraApp.c -----------------The main file of the demo program to call the decoding library function to decode

4. cam_msg_handler.c ------------Demo program starts the decoding function file when the camera previews

5. HJ_DecoderDemo.c ------------Decoding library call reference file (for reference only, no need to add into the project)

二、The place need to be modified for demo program in the project

1.Creat a folder named HJ_Decoder under the catalog of project, copy HJ_Decoder.h and hj_decoder.lib to this folder。

2.Copu CameraApp.c and cam_msg_handler.c to replace the relate original files under the catalog of project

3.Add below content in file Option.mak 

  COMPOBJS += HJ_DecoderHJ_Decoder.lib

CUS_REL_OBJ_LIST += HJ_DecoderHJ_Decoder.lib

CUSTOM_COMMINC  +=  HJ_DecoderHJ_Decoder.h

4. Add below content at the end of file TimerEvents.h but before MAX_TIMERS:


三、Attention points when calling the decoding library

       1.There are only two core files of the entire decoding library,hj_decoder.lib and HJ_Decoder.h ,It can be configured and called according to the needs of the project environment.

       2.If you need to decode when the camera is previewing, please refer to the point 2 above to modify the project, and refer to the codes of CameraApp.c and cam_msg_handler.c in the folder.

3.The decoding library only accepts 8-bit grayscale pure image data when decoding. If you need to decode jpg files or jpg file streams, please refer to the code of HJ_DecoderDemo.c.

4.In the demo program, you need to open the macro definition __HJ_SMY__. By default, #define __HJ_SMY__ is added in front of the corresponding file. In actual use, you can delete it and define the global macro in the makefile.

四、Decode program call flow description

